Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Other Half of the Story

Here's the Jeckyl/Hyde paradox I referred to earlier. All the good stuff at My Quality Day is absolutely true, but it's only half of the story.

I came home with what I thought was a bad case of hives from unknown causes. After 4 days, and several conversations with Marie, I've decided that it is Poison Ivy. And I mean everywhere. It is difficult to work, concentrate, wear clothing, care about getting anything done. And meanwhile all the pieces of my life fall farther and farther behind.

I have gone through every box of mixed papers from the past two years looking for the irreplaceable maps that I need for the May hike. I can't find them. I have one more place to look before I start taking my office completely apart.

I am not ready for the Thursday meeting of the trail chapter, and probably won't be. There just are not enough hours. I'm trying to keep writing to earn a buck or two. Meanwhile I keep spending it faster than I make it.

Omer's car is totaled by another deer encounter, so he's driving mine while he looks for another, and I'm holding my breath lest that one meet a similar fate. And I came home to a dead freezer. Om did get the food transferred to a friend's house before we lost it, but that will need to be replaced soon.

I kind of hope no one is reading this blog any more, because this all starts to sound like a long whine. If only this PI would ease up I think I could tolerate it all better. I'm ready to jump off a bridge... or at least out of my skin.

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